sunburn caused by a building
/It's hard to imagine this sunburn problem exists...but it tower, image: brandon thibodeaux for new york timesRenzo Piano and Peter Walker designed the Nasher Sculpture Centre, which opened in 2003 and houses works by Rodin and Matisse among others. The Centre is intended to serve as something of an economic driver for the area and, in due course, developers began erecting Museum Tower across the street.
Problem? The glass of the tower is reflecting sunlight into the Centre through its glass roof to the extent that plants in the museum are burning and the artwork is in danger of being damaged.
It is an intriguing conundrum: economic development fueled by a cultural institution which potentially harms the institution. That's the angle of the New York Times story about this back in May.
Apparently, this is not the first time such a problem has arisen. According to the Times story, Frank Gehry has similar issues with the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.
My take on all this? Did it not occur to the Museum Tower architect that all that glass could be blinding? It's Dallas for heaven's sake, not Detroit or Buffalo. Context strikes again.